Activities - projects, products, success stories

Projects implemented

Project "Increasing tourism competitiveness in the VIA Cahul tourism cluster area" funded by the EU through the EU4Moldova Program: Key Regions, implemented by UNDP Moldova and UNICEF. Project budget: 121000 euro of which grant 100000 euro and cluster contribution 21000 euro. The project was realized through AO Pro Partnership for Sustainable Development, the managing entity of VIA Cahul Tourism Cluster. Implementation period: December 2022 - June 2024.


The most beautiful product created by the VIA Cahul Tourism Cluster is the Cahul Region Tourist Guide - a travel guide for tourists interested in discovering and getting to know the Cahul region. The guide provides information about tourist destinations in the region. Download here the Cahul Tourist Guide in Romanian and English.

Successful cases

Launching the viewing platform of the ”Prutul de Jos” Biosphere Reserve.

Installation of tourist information boards in the cluster area

With the support of the cluster a new tourist information and guidance system has been created in Cahul region

Promoting the region at national level.

International cooperation - 5 international cooperation agreements signed

VIA Cahul Tourism Cluster - full member of the Romanian Cluster Association CLUSTERO!

A first tourism fair organized in Cahul

Participation of VIA Cahul Tourism Cluster at the Romanian Tourism Fair